Back Pain
If you’re experiencing back pain, don’t hesitate to keep moving!
If you’re dealing with back pain, don’t attempt to rest and wait for the pain to subside. Approximately 90% of individuals encounter back pain at least once in their lives. Back pain is a common issue that affects people of all age groups. Those suffering from back pain often avoid physical activities and exercise due to the fear of exacerbating their pain or sustaining an injury.
When it comes to back pain, our bodies have two defense mechanisms. The first defense is the occurrence of muscle spasms or pain. The purpose of this defense is to prevent further injury to the body. Pain or spasms signal that it’s time to stop. The second defense mechanism is psychological. In this approach, we tend to steer clear of activities and tasks that could potentially trigger pain or spasms.
So, what should you do when you’re experiencing back pain? To alleviate back pain and prevent it from recurring, it’s crucial to maintain an active lifestyle. Prolonged bed rest is among the worst solutions for back pain. Staying active and engaging in appropriate exercises can help alleviate back pain, expedite recovery, reduce discomfort, and enhance your quality of life by stimulating the release of endorphins.
When you consult physiotherapists for back pain, they will suggest exercises customized to your specific condition. The evaluation of muscles and the approach to exercises may vary from person to person. The exercises should be at a level that the individual can manage, and it’s essential to pay attention to your body’s signals during physical activity and exercise. If your pain significantly increases during exercise, it indicates that the exercise isn’t suitable for your body or that your body isn’t ready for it.
In the case of back pain, there’s nothing worse than succumbing to fear and immobility. Seeking assistance from professionals without letting the pain become chronic is the best choice.