What is Graston Technique?
Graston technique; instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. Soft tissue injuries with instruments are also based on this. In addition to other manual therapy applications, it is performed with the help of stainless-steel instruments designed according to the shape of the area where the application is made.
What are the Effects of Graston Technique?
- Help reduce chronic pain
- Provides fascial release
- Scar (Fibrocyte) disperses the tissue
- Helps in the treatment of Injured Muscles.
- It accelerates the treatment process in sports injuries.
Graston Technical Application Areas:
- Scar tissue after musculoskeletal operations
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cervical Muscle Spasms / Neck Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow)
- Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer Elbows)
- Lumbar Pain (Low Back Pain)
- Patellofemoral Disorders (Anterior knee pain)
- Plantar fasciitis (Foot pain)
- Shoulder movements limitation
- Post splint limitation